Monday, October 22, 2007

Negotiation #7 Fishpond Lane

Laura Ellen and I are the buyers of 67 Fishpond Lane. Laura Ellen met with the Sellers, Scott and Amy, while Dawn was acted as a "fly" on wall. The buyers offered up a price of $350,000 , their first asking price. Laura Ellen asked if the house came with a warranty, which the owners were willing to buy that for us. The owners did a good job of making the house seem irrisistable!

We wrapped up this negotiation in person very quickly as opposed to the group chat.In person a deal can be so much easier, due to reading body language and more of a force to avoid procrastination.

We all met and the negotiation from there went pretty quick. The price was set and boom that was it.

I am glad it went quick, because I could see it would have taken several more calls and emails to wrap up the deal by email or group chat.

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