Friday, November 9, 2007

#11 Changing Times for The Senior Center in Redwood Hills

Council Member Sherman requests a board meeting to discuss further use of the Martha Gold Senior Center in Redwood Hills. The Senior Center facilities needs to be shared and an agreement among all parties needs to be discussed and drawn up.

Nicky- Representative D.Kline- for Ad Hoc Coalitions
Dawn- The Senior's Club
Bill-Sherman -Town Council
Amy-N.Vie- AAA

This actually went well. I believe part of the reason why it did, was becuase there was an Agenda handy, which gave points as to what we were going to discuss. We all had a copy. We also knew the groundrules, which is very important to discuss in a group meeting.

It was also written that we were to pledge or urged us to make an effort to reach agreement. I think the faciliator did a great job, but I didn't really want a faciliator interjecting in this particular meeting. The faciliator did serve well in repeating or summarizing where we were in our negotiation. I think we could have taken notes though. I tend to think that without a faciliator we could have quite easily reached an agreement.

This went smooth and it did appear that everyone was readily willing to voice their needs and learn the needs of others, which created a fun and pleasant atmosphere. We were able to come to an agreement rather quickly. As Dr. Strange pointed out, we all were willing to sacrifice a little for the good of the other. I believe that had a lot to do with the non-profit organization good will.

#10 Negotiating Budget Cuts at Newtowne Hospital

I disliked this negotiation the most, the main reason as the setting and temperament of each hospital employee attending was already on edge. Problems already existing and the mixed feelings of anger, resentment and unhappy employees having to begrudgingly sacrifice cutts in their department, caused for bad feelings to beging with.

I still am unsure as to how my role of Diana Antry -Vice President of Nursing, could have been portrayed. I remained quiet due to that. I have learned that in negotiating , there has to be a strong preparation of all information of the other negotiators, before hand. It can be very strenuous as to what the other person might be thinking, or put on the table and then reacting to their needs, knowing what to say , especially at the right time. It involves not only good business skills, but listening, waiting , watching and learning. Considering the air of tension, and not really knowing how to respond, caused me to clam up even more than I normally would have been.

I think that discussing the preparation techniques for all negotiations can also be beneficial to learn how to respond, what to expect, and discuss the roles of each agent, before starting. However, this is not an option, so under those conditions, I felt very unprepared and unsure of how to respond, so therefore: I fumbled thru this negotiation quiet and managed to appear passive in my role.
I do not feel that Amy run over me or took over for me. I chose to be remain silent as I watched and tried to learn more in the negotiation. This is obviously doesn't work well with for me. I am learning by observation of others skills and techniques though.

Obviously, as Nursing Vice President, I did not need to take a cut in my department, and or take on extra work of housekeeping, if this required a cut in housekeeping.

I thought this negotiation was sort of cut and dry, not much for resolving conflict from the parties and had an air of tension that was not comfortable.